Student Studying

Make-Up Exams and Testing Accommodations

Do you need special accommodations to take a test? Perhaps you need to complete a make-up exam? Our Testing Centers offer proctored testing and other services on a select basis for San Jacinto College students.


Testing at the Center


Make-up Exams 

Make-up testing is determined on an individual basis between you and your instructor. If you know of an upcoming absence, make an alternate arrangement with your professor as soon as possible. 

This service is not intended because of a class cancellation, campus closure, or other similar circumstances. 

Important: There will be no make-up tests for mid-term or final exams. Also, general make-up exams will not be available during mid-term and final exam weeks.

Testing with Accommodations

In order to receive testing accommodations, you must have approval from Accessibility Services. Accommodations are determined on an individual basis. After you meet with Accessibility Services, they will send you an Accommodation letter that details the accommodation you’re eligible to receive. You must share the Accommodation letter with your instructor(s) in order to receive the accommodations.

Accommodations for testing may include testing in the Testing Center, extended time, and specialized technologies. The Testing Center provides a quiet space and will work with your instructor and Accessibility Services to meet your needs as outlined by your Accommodation letter.

If you plan on using test accommodations, you must tell your instructor(s) at least 48 hours before the test. If you do not inform your instructor before the allotted time, you may lose the accommodation for that test.

Requesting an Appointment

To schedule a test at the Testing Center, you should meet with your instructor to determine an appropriate test date and time.

Your instructor will schedule the test on your behalf and submit a Faculty Instruction Sheet. All appointments must be scheduled in person with the Testing Center staff at least 24 hours before the appointment. Your instructor must submit any requests to reschedule with the Testing Center staff.


Misconduct and Infraction Guidelines

San Jac’s  Testing Centers have a responsibility to address any infractions that may occur. Coursework tests are administered under policy, rules and guidelines set forth by the San Jac Student Handbook, as detailed per Procedure V.5001.B.a. 

Testing Center staff will stop a test for anyone who commits an alleged testing infraction. After correcting the alleged infraction and collecting any unauthorized aids, staff will allow the student to resume if the alleged infraction is minor. However, if the alleged infraction is major, staff will end the exam and dismiss the examinee from the Testing Center. Many minor alleged infractions may also result in staff not allowing the examinee to finish the test.

Currently defined major infractions include, but are not limited to:

  • Cheating: Using unauthorized testing aids, conspiring with an individual and impersonating or having someone impersonate the examinee during a test. 
  • Bribery: Offering or accepting money or other compensation in exchange for test help or other benefit. 
  • Theft: Removing or attempting to remove test material or other materials from the Testing Center. 
  • Disruption or violence: Acting in a manner that causes a disruption to other examinees or threat to any individual.

Currently defined minor infractions include, but are not limited to:

  • General non-compliance: Failing to follow staff instructions and/or testing guidelines on test materials, breaks, etc.

Other actions and behaviors not defined here may be deemed as a major or minor infraction at the Testing Center's discretion. 

Staff will complete a Notice of Testing Infraction form detailing the incident and submit the form and all collected materials to their Testing Coordinator. This will be reviewed in collaboration with the Dean of Student Records and College Registrar, as well as the Dean of Student Development and instructor. 

The appropriate instructional leader and/or instructor, or designee, will determine the appropriate disciplinary action. 



Visit the Testing Center

At the time of your appointment, report to the Testing Center on the campus where you take the course, unless otherwise determined by you and your instructor. Contact the location if you have any questions.

Campus Address Phone Email
Central Welcome Center C27.2200, 2nd Floor  281-998-6150 x 2025
North Welcome Center N6.220, 2nd Floor 281-998-6150 x 2347
South Welcome Center S6.220, 2nd Floor  281-998-6150 x 3433
Generation Park G2. 115 281-998-6150 x 8129