Sexual assault can take many different forms, but one thing remains the same: it’s never the victim’s fault. Learn what sexual assault is, and how you can get help if you ever need it.
Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Some forms of sexual assault include:
San Jacinto College does not tolerate sexual assault in any form. There are faculty and staff at San Jacinto College to support you if you have been sexually assaulted.
This can be the police, counselor, academic advisor, and/or someone you trust like a friend, advisor, or member of Student Life.
This may destroy evidence that can be used to press charges if you choose to do so.
Instead of changing clothes right away, bring a change of clothing to the hospital
or clinic to wear after the exam and/or treatment.
Be sure to keep evidence of emails, text messages, or phone messages—do not delete
or change them.
If you cannot report the incident immediately, place all the clothes you were wearing
at the time of the incident in a paper bag. If you have physical injuries, take photographs
before cleansing or treating the wound(s)/bruise(s).
It’s important to get medical attention for any injuries, as well as address any risk
of pregnancy and/or STDs. Campus personnel can help you get transportation to a hospital
or clinic, a police department, or other location.
For a trained volunteer to help you through the hospital process, call the Rape Crises
Hotline at 713-528-7273
You don’t have to cope with sexual assault alone. You can call the Educational Planning
and Counseling office at any of the three SJC campuses: